The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registrycan tell you where to find occupational and environmental health clinics. Their specialists can recognize, evaluate, and treat illnesses resulting from exposure to hazardous substances such as benzene. You can also contact your community or state health or environmental quality department if you have any more questions or concerns. For more information, call 1-888-422-8737.
What can a benzene lawyer do for me?
Is there a statute of limitations on benzene-related litigation?
What can I expect to receive in compensation in a benzene lawsuit?
What should I do if I think I have been exposed to benzene?
What are the advantages of hiring an experienced benzene lawyer?
Is compensation available for people suffering from exposure to benzene?
Can one sue for damages associated with exposure to benzene?
What does monetary compensation for benzene exposure cover?
Is the number of benzene lawsuits on the increase?
How long can benzene illnesses remain latent?
What kinds of civil settlements have grown out of benzene lawsuits?
Is there a link between benzene and cancer?
What kinds of cancers are associated with benzene?
What is Leukemia and how does it happen?
How does benzene get into the environment?
How does one get exposed to benzene?
Can benzene get into groundwater?
Are there tests for exposure to benzene?
How does the test for benzene exposure work?
How can exposure to benzene be prevented in the workplace?
How standards should my employer follow for dealing with hazardous chemicals?
What is the proper first response for someone who has been exposed to high levels of benzene?
Who is at the highest risk of exposure to benzene?
Who is at risk of exposure to benzene?
Can someone test for exposure to benzene a long time ago?
Can I have benzene in my home?
Might I be at risk for benzene exposure in my car?
If I can smell benzene, is that a high level of exposure?
Has workplace exposure to benzene been on the increase?
What are the symptoms of high-level exposure to benzene?
What are the health effects of long-term exposure to benzene?
Are there different effects of exposure to benzene for women?
What is the proper first aid for benzene exposure?
Are symptoms of benzene exposure consistent?
What problems are associated with pinpointing symptoms of benzene exposure?
What should you do if you feel you may have been exposed to benzene?
What are the symptoms of dermal exposure to benzene?
What hematological problems can result from exposure to benzene?
What health problems can women experience from exposure to benzene?
Does the federal government regulate benzene?
Where can I learn more about benzene?
What should small business owners who use benzene do to ensure they are handling it safely?
What information about benzene should my workplace have available?
What are material safety data sheets?
Is illness from benzene exposure rare?
What is the role of state OSHA programs in regulating benzene?
What are considered safe levels of benzene exposure?
What levels of exposure to benzene is immediately hazerdous?
What range of exposure to benzene can cause health problems?
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